Wisdom Richard Mgomezulu


Wisdom Mgomezulu is an enthusiastic, hardworking, determined and an exceptional individual with demonstrated competence, experience history and knowledge in Economics, International Trade, Business Management and Mathematical Sciences. He is a Doctor of Philosophy in Resource Economics obtained from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources. He again holds an MSc degree in Agricultural Economics (specialized in Quantitative Economic Policy Analysis) offered by Bunda College (Malawi) and University of Pretoria (South Africa) of which he graduated top of his class (straight A’s in all courses). He also holds an MSc degree in Data Science from Guglielmo Marconi University of which he graduated with a distinction. On top of that, he is a PhD candidate in Business Management Studies at University of Zambia of which he expects to graduate in 2024.

Mgomezulu is a trained expert in Economic Policy Impact Analysis from University of Laval, thus possessing knowledge in policy and programs impact evaluation using advanced econometric tools. He also holds management experience having acted as the Director of Research for Daeyang University. He further possesses vast knowledge and experience in conducting research including consultancies involving baseline, midline and end-line evaluations for the government, CGIARs, NGOs and multi-lateral institutions. He thus has conducted numerous assignments for the World Bank, IFAD, Land O Lakes, GIZ, WFP, UNDP, Plan International, CIP, Save the Children International and the Government of Malawi. He possesses more than eight years’ experience in conducting Consultancies, Research and Outreach, and Lecturing.


Name of Expert:Wisdom Richard Mgomezulu
Date of Birth:6/11/1995
Country of Citizenship/ResidenceMalawi
AddressP.O. Box 219, Lilongwe, Malawi
Phone+265884528590; +265995684584





UniversityName of institutionDates attendedQualificationYear obtained
University of ZambiaGraduate School of Business2021-2024PhD in Business Management StudiesPending graduation in 2024
Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural ResourcesBunda College2021-2023PhD in Agricultural Economics by Research (Grade A**)2023
Guglielmo Marconi UniversitySchool of Data Science2022-2023MSc in Data Science (Grade A**)2023
Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural ResourcesBunda College & University of Pretoria2016-2018MSc Agricultural Economics specialized in Quantitative Policy Analysis (Grade A**)2018
University of MalawiBunda College2011-2015BSc Agricultural Economics (Grade A*)2015
University of LavalLaval2021-2021Certificate in Economic Policy Impact Analysis (Grade A**)2021
Domasi College of EducationDomasi College2021Certificate in Pedagogy (Grade A**)2021


Language Skills  

English: Fluent                        Chichewa: Native

Employment record relevant to the post:

PeriodEmploying organization and your title/position. Contact info for referencesCountry Summary of activities performed relevant to the Post
May, 2023-Present

Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), Lecturer in Economics.

·         For references: Cel: 0999205851/e-mail:skuchande@mubas.ac.mw; Mr. Steven Kuchande, Department of Economics at MUBAS]

MalawiTeaching MBA students Economics and Monitoring & Evaluation; Supervising MBA student projects.
April, 2019-April, 2023

Daeyang University, Lecturer in Research and Statistics

·         For references: Cel: 0999205851/e-mail:hannockmateche@ymail.com; Mr. Hannock Mateche, Head, Department of Basic Sciences at Daeyang]

MalawiTeaching undergraduate students qualitative and quantitative research; teaching statistics; supervising and assessing student projects
October, 2019- April,2023

Daeyang University, Acting Director of Research

·         For references: Cel: 0999205851/e-mail:hannockmateche@ymail.com; Mr. Hannock Mateche, Head, Department of Basic Sciences at Daeyang]

MalawiCoordinating research activities; developing, reviewing and monitoring policies, programs and strategies; initiating and undertaking research activities; seeking and assigning financial and human resources for every project; coaching and mentoring research teams
February, 2017-present

Lilongwe University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Part-time Lecturer of Microeconomics, Econometrics & Statistical Packages

·         For references: Cel: 0995127902/e-mail:kmachira@luanar.ac.mw; Dr. Kennedy Machila, Head, Department of Agricultural Economics]

MalawiLecturing Microeconomics, Econometrics, Maths for Economists  & statistics at LUANAR bunda and city campuses; lecturing statistical packages like STATA, SPSS, SAS, R and questionnaire design tools like survey solutions by the World Bank, ODK, Kobo collect etc to Masters students and Undergraduates
Consultancies that required my technical skills
April, 2023

Review of the Strategic Grain Reserve Institutional Capacity and Determination of Optimal Stock Levels, Co-Consultant.

For references: Cel: 0999283718/e-mail:marphiri1996@yahoo.com; Dr. M.A.R Phiri, Head, Lead Consultant]

MalawiAn AGRA funded consultancy for the Ministry of Agriculture to review the institutional capacity of ADMARC and NFRA. The assignment further involved dynamic modelling in python to determine the optimal stock levels of the SGR.
February 2023

Beneficiary Mapping for AGCOM 1.0 Project

For reference: Mr. Nicholas Mkandawire, M&E for AGCOM Project, P.O. Box 30134, Lilongwe, Malawi. Email: nicholasmkandawire@gmail.com. Phone: 0994 551 993 / 0882 643 336

MalawiProfiling and GIS mapping of beneficiaries including farmers, producer organizations and off-takers. The mapping exercise adopted a value chain approach.
January, 2023

Economic and Financial Assessment of AGCOM 2.0

For reference: Mr. Nicholas Mkandawire, M&E for AGCOM Project, P.O. Box 30134, Lilongwe, Malawi. Email: nicholasmkandawire@gmail.com. Phone: 0994 551 993 / 0882 643 336

MalawiAn economic and financial assessment of AGCOM 2.0 including an assessment of climate smart investment models adopted
January, 2023

Value Chain Assessment for Root and Tuber Crops in Malawi

For ref: Prof. J. Dzanja, LUANAR, P.O Box 219, Lilongwe. Email: jdzanja@luanar.ac.mw

MalawiA value chain study that assessed approaches for commercialization of Root and Tuber Crops
December, 2022

Development of the National Logistics Strategy for the Ministry of Transport

For ref: Mr. Collins Namakhwa, MUBAS, P/Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre

Phone: +265999396140; Email: cnamakhwa@mubas.ac.mw

MalawiA situation analysis, supply value chain analysis and the development of a strategy for the Malawian Transport sector
June, 2022

Land O’Lakes Venture37 Cooperative Development Activity 4 (CD4)

For ref: Mr. Collins Namakhwa, MUBAS, P/Bag 303, Chichiri, Blantyre

Phone: +265999396140; Email: cnamakhwa@mubas.ac.mw

MalawiA Land O Lakes study that involved assessing the environment in which cooperatives operate in Malawi, and the differences in the structure, formation and performance of associations and cooperatives in Malawi
June, 2022

A Comprehensive Value Chain Analysis for Dairy, Beef and Cassava

For ref: Prof. J. Dzanja, LUANAR, P.O Box 219, Lilongwe. Email: jdzanja@luanar.ac.mw

MalawiA value chain study initiated by Heifer International and involved mapping all key players and stakeholders in the respective value chains.
May, 2022

Baseline for “Securing Sustainable Livelihoods for 2,000 Subsistence Fishermen and Smallholder Farmers at Lake Malawi:

For ref: Dr. Benedikt Hecking, Sign of Hope German; Email: hecking@hoffnungszeichen.de

MalawiA baseline aimed at improving the livelihoods of farmers and fishers in Malawi. As a consultant, I collected data, analyzed it, and provided benchmark values for the project
Mar, 2022

A Comprehensive Value Chain Analysis for Rice, Cassava, Mango and Fish in Salima and Nkhotakota Districts

For ref; Mr. Christopher Chikowi; Email: christopher.chikowi@cadecomll.org

MalawiA market study that involved mapping all key players and stakeholders in the rice, mango, cassava and fish value chains. Further analysis involved profitability analysis, market efficiency analysis and a SWOT analysis for the different players
Nov, 2021

Baseline for the Malawi Dairy Value Chain Project

For ref: Mr. Andrew Chimalizeni, CREMPA Association Manager, P.O Box 376, Lilongwe

Email: chimalizeniandrew@gmail.com

Phone: 0992189585

MalawiConducting a baseline study for CREMPA. CREMPA received funds from We effect and IFAD for the implementation of the Malawi Dairy value Chain project which I was the Team leader.
Sep, 2021

Assessment of Low Carbon Cooling Facilities in Various Agricultural value Chains

For ref: Prof D.H Ng’ong’ola, P.O Box 219, Lilongwe. Email: dhngongola@gmail.com

Phone: 0888348296

MalawiA World Bank consultancy which involved assessing willingness to pay and demand for low carbon cooling facilities in Malawi. As a consultant, I was responsible for study design, data management (willingness to pay and demand analysis using QUAIDS) and analysis,  report writing and presentations
April 2021

Endline for DEC 2 Funded Appeal Project, Team Leader

For ref: Mr. Bruce Phiri; Save the Children international; email: bruce.phiri@savethechildren.org

MalawiAn endline study for the client Save the Children to assess the extent to which the project achieved its set objectives. My role again was the leader and main consultant
Feb 2021-Mar 2021

Mid line for Program for Rural Irrigation and Development (PRIDE), Associate Consultant

·         For ref: Mr. T. Mseu; Department of irrigation; email: tsilizanim@gmail.com

MalawiAn IFAD programme that emphasized on the progress of the project and its impact on yields, gross margins and marketing of crops grown from irrigation
October, 2020-Sept 2022

A multi-year study to assess the seed value chain in Malawi, Co-Consultant

For references: Cel: 0999283718/e-mail:marphiri1996@yahoo.com; Dr. M.A.R Phiri, Head, Lead Consultant]

MalawiAn AGRA project funded by the USAID to assess the seed value chain through agro-dealer market surveys, seed grow outs, DNA finger printing to check for the presence of counterfeit seed
July 2020-October 2020

End line for MASAF IV project, Consultant

For references: Cel: 0999017320

Email: bvkayala@gmail.com: Mr. B. Kayala, M&E Officer

MalawiA world Bank project whose duties involved technical report and inception report writing; designing of study tools; programming of tools in survey solutions; data management and analysis; report writing and presentations
January, 2020- May, 2020

International Potato Centre, M&E consultant for Impact Assessment and adoption of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Project

For references: Cel: 09996316622/e-mail:k.longwe@cgiar.org; Mr. Kareem Longwe, Project Officer at CIP]

MalawiCoordinating research activities, Designing and programming data collection tools for a survey of 2492 households across Malawi; supervising and cleaning data; data analysis to assess adoption rates and determinants of adoption and spell of adoption through adoption survival functions; impact evaluation of adoption of orange flesh sweet potato on nutrition outcomes and food security (Food Consumption Score, dietary diversity); report presentations on skype; report writing
March, 2020-May, 2020

Feasibility study for a Project to reduce hidden hunger and increase resilience, especially of women and girls in Mulanje and Machinga Districts of Southern Malawi, Associate Consultant

For references: Cel: 0887086744/e-mail:Brenda.Madeya@plan-international.org; Mrs. Brenda Madeya, Procurement Coordinator]

MalawiCoordinating research activities, proposal methodology writing; designing survey tools (household questionnaires for 843 households in 2 districts, FGDs and Key informants checklists); programming of study tools in ODK; data management & analysis on Nutrition indicators (Dietary Diversity, Food Consumption Score, Resilience Index)
November, 2019 – February, 2020

Baseline for Programme for Rural Irrigation & Development (PRIDE & ERASP), Associate Consultant-Statistician

For references: Cel: 0999949623/e-mail:tsilizanim@gmail; Mr. Tsilizani Mseu, M&E Coordinator]

MalawiAn IFAD programme and emphasized on World Bank Data management protocols using survey solutions; designing study methodology; designing survey tools (household questionnaires for more than 2700 households in northern and southern regions, FGDs and Key informants checklists); programming of study tools in the WORLD BANK survey solution software; data management and approving of questionnaires in the system; data analysis; report writing & presentation
October, 2018-January, 2019

Baseline for establishment of a minimum expenditure basket and a market assessment for a Social Cash Transfer project in Zomba by Save the Children, Associate Consultant-Statistician

For references: Cel: 0888661860/e-mail:bruce.phiri@savethechildren.org; Mr. Bruce Phiri, Humanitarian Officer]

MalawiA Multipurpose Social Cash Transfer Project in Zomba; study methodology design; designing survey tools (household questionnaires for 422 households in  Zomba, FGDs and Key informants checklists); programming of study tools in Kobo Collect; data management & analysis; report writing
May, 2018-Jan, 2019

Baseline for Development of an Impact Evaluation Framework and Scaling Up Use of Modernized Climate Information and Early Warning Systems Project, Statistician

For references: Cel: 0888453244/e-mail:akshaba@gmail.com; Mr. Abel Shaba, Associate Consultant]

Malawidata management & analysis; report writing
June, 2017- Sept, 2017

End-line evaluation of Beans for Health and Wealth Project-LUANAR in collaboration with Kansas State University, Associate Statistician

For references: Cel: 0999803700/e-mail:lmapemba@gmail.com; Dr. Lawrence Mapemba, Country Cordinator]

Malawidata management & analysis; report writing
Jan, 2017 – March, 2017

Legumes Value Chain Analysis of Demand and Supply in Malawi, Junior Consultant-Data Analyst

For references: Cel: 0999803700/e-mail:lmapemba@gmail.com; Dr. Lawrence Mapemba, Team Leader]

MalawiFor the client African Institute of Corporate Citizenship to estimate demand and supply; study design; questionnaire design; data management and analysis
Sept, 2016-Dec, 2016

CISANET Farm Input Subsidy Programme and Farm Input Loan Programme budget tracking, Data Analyst

For references: Cel: 0884271004/e-mail:mkusaleonard@gmail.com; Mr. Leonard Mkusa, Consultant]

MalawiFor the client CISANET, survey design, data management and programming of questionnaires in CSPro; data nalysis, report writing
Feb, 2016-July, 2016

Energy Water Food Nexus Survey for the International Food Policy Research Institute, Research Associate

For references: Cel: 0881688229/e-mail:z.nyirenda@cgiar.org; Mr. Zephania Nyirenda, Research Associate]

Malawisupervising household survey; data cleaning and analysis
July, 2015-Nov, 2015

Evaluation of Farmer Participation in Farm Input Subsidy Programme for Farmers Union of Malawi, Data Analyst Intern

For references: Cel: 0888555868/e-mail:ampesi@farmersunion.mw; Mr. Andrew Mpesi, Planning Department]

Malawidata cleaning and descriptive analysis on socioeconomic profile of beneficiaries; yield per hectare; corruption cases and bribes in access to coupons


Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:


  • Member of Association of African Agricultural Economists (AAAE)
  • Awardee of the 2023 Innovative Research in Sustainable Agriculture for the Early Career Researchers Category
  • Member of Young African Leaders Forum (YALF)
  • Member of Young African Leaders Journal of Development (YALJOD) and Awardee of YALJOD 2018 Outstanding Contribution in Research
  • Reviewer for Journal of Experimental Agriculture International; Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology; Journal of Economics, Management and Trade